The Federal explosives regulations at 27 CFR, Part 555, Subpart K, provide specific construction requirements for explosives magazines. This webpage is intended to provide additional information that may be useful to Federal explosives licensee and permittees. All explosive materials must be kept in locked magazines meeting the standards in Subpart K unless they are:
When none of the above conditions apply, explosive materials must be kept in magazines that meet the construction, locking, and table of distance requirements of Subpart K.
High explosives, upon initiation, function by detonation, a rapid decomposition (explosion) of the material caused by a shock wave moving through the product at a rate faster than the speed of sound. High explosives, such as blasting caps, detonating cord, dynamite, shaped charges, boosters, etc., must be stored in:
Low explosives deflagrate producing a large volume of heated gas. Low explosives, such as black powder, most display fireworks, safety fuse, igniters, igniter cord, fuse lighters, etc., must be stored in:
Blasting agents are a material or mixture consisting of fuel and oxidizer that is intended for blasting and that cannot be detonated by a No. 8 test blasting cap when unconfined. Blasting agents may be stored in: